Saturday, February 26, 2011

Higher and Higher

A couple of weeks ago I had a tutoring appointment at the public library in the town where I work. My pupil was late so while I waited I browsed the discarded paperback sale. I was surprised that so many were only a year or two old and for sale. Its an extremely small library however and I think they are so strapped for space that something has to give. regardless of why I purchased three books while I waited, all attractively priced at $0.10 each. Personally I feel as though I got screwed out of a dime on this one. 

I won't really bore you with the details, I'm sorry I was bored with the details. I confess that the last eighty pages or so I skimmed myself. There was a promising start, a earl on the run accused of fooling around with Princess Caroline, Prinny's wife. He returns to his native Scotland to hide out with bounty hunters hot on his tail. He is captured by a Scottish landowner who threatens to turn him in unless he is hand fasted (a trial marriage for a year and a day) to the man's disobedient niece Lizzie. 

Of course they'll start off hating each other then slowly fall in love. It takes way too long, and most of that time is given over to vague searches through the woods for a source of income, a secondary love story with Lizzie' s paralyzed sister, and menial household chores. It was promising for a minute when Lizzie's other suitor showed up, but even that wasn't enough of a defibrillator. I wanted to like it but it was hopeless. The romances so far this year haven't been promising, we'll see at some point if the other twenty cents was wasted as well.