Saturday, February 26, 2011

Glass Half Empty

No 3-D book image this time, sorry to disappoint. I knew you'd get over it. So as predicted (Ash Hole) moving from NYC to Alicante, the title city of glass was not the best thing that could happen to CLary and her band of merry Shadowhunters. We're not in Brooklyn anymore Toto. Valentine is heading for the sacred homeland of the Nephilim to get the last of the Mortal Instruments, the mirror. THe powers that be don't believe he can breach the demon-repelling glass towers, The Lightwoods and Jace go to try and convince them otherwise. Clary of course tags along, despite just about everyone objecting.

The whole book reads like a dark fairy tale, what was once a fresh, modern take on a fantasy tale turns sickly sweet and looses its edge when put into a setting reminiscent of Sleeping Beauty or Little Red Ridinghood. Learning the mores and landscape of the new location takes up too much time, and it often turns into a reminiscence of the good old days before Valentine got all crazy.

The book does answer a lot of questions, not all but many and the major story line is resolved. I think I would have liked the book better if it was an actual conclusion to the story. It has all the elements, the bad guy vanquished, the imprisoned mother returned, brother and sister no longer brother and sister so they can get freaky without us getting sick... but there is still three books to go in the series. Clare has introduced the read Jonathan, Clary's evil brother who has taken over world domination as a career path following Valentine's death but you have to wonder if Clare is getting ready to jump the shark. 

We loose a few friends other than Valentine, and some of the deaths are devastating. We also get to find out some relevant history, particularly in terms of the Circle. It looks like Luke may stop being pathetic and actually get laid after 20+ years as an errand boy/werewolf (really his and Jocelyn's relations ship is Luke and Lorelai's friendship from Gilmore Girls with less coffee and more wolf, he even has the flannel shirt). I honestly can't say where this is going next, but the City of Fallen Angels is coming out in April, and I really do hope we go back to the real world, the books were just better there.